18-month old rescued from crashed car that killed her mother after 4 police officers heard mysterious voice calling for help
This baby was saved from drowning by a mysterious voice. Four police officers said they heard a mysterious adult voice calling for help from a scene of a car crash in northern Utah. When they rushed there to help, they only found 18-month-old Lily alive. Her 25-year-old mother had died in the crash. The police said they could have sworn they heard an adult female voice calling to them for help...but only met Lily trapped in the car but alive in the icy river. The mother was long dead. Read full story after the cut...
From UK Daily Mail
From UK Daily Mail
At 10 o'clock on a Friday night in March last year Jennifer Groesbeck veered off a road in northern Utah as she drove back from dinner at her father's home and hurtled into the icy waters of the Spanish Fork river.
What caused her to swerve remains a mystery but, unluckily, the front wheel of her car caught the edge of the bridge's concrete wall, causing the vehicle to flip over it and crash down into the river. It landed upside down in the shallows with such force that the windscreen was blown out and the roof crushed as if it had been cardboard.
Out of sight from the road, the red Dodge hatchback sat in chest-high foaming water for 14 hours until it was spotted by an angler, who reported seeing a hand dangling out of a broken window.
Four local police officers arrived first, their sense of urgency captured by the body camera one of them had switched on and whose footage has since been watched thousands of times on the internet.
They dash into the water - so cold that a total of seven policemen and firemen were later treated for hypothermia - and desperately try to get inside the crushed vehicle. Then, about two minutes into the body camera footage, its microphone picks up the faint sound of an adult voice, sounding urgent. It is unintelligible on the footage but appears to be a plea for help as Officer Jared Warner responds: 'We're helping, we're coming.'
Something very odd had just happened, although the emergency responders weren't to realise it at the time. With visibly new urgency, the rescuers turned the waterlogged car on to its side and discovered the 25-year-old driver was long dead.

18-month old rescued from crashed car that killed her mother after 4 police officers heard mysterious voice calling for help
Reviewed by BimbogrammPr
2/04/2016 02:45:00 pm

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