Boy who is Infected with HIV Aids Brags about Infecting 17 girls, Shares Nudes of One

A boy whose username @wiztalisman announced in February that he's been infected with one of the deadliest viruses. He also vowed to infect as many as possible before breathing his last and it looks like he made good on his vow because just last night, he shared the nudes of one of his victim, Flora. The boy, Wiz is a proud Biafran..Check the nude photo below .

Boy who is Infected with HIV Aids Brags about Infecting 17 girls, Shares Nudes of One Boy who is Infected with HIV Aids Brags about Infecting 17 girls, Shares Nudes of One Reviewed by BimbogrammPr on 5/07/2017 11:46:00 am Rating: 5

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