You can date an HIV POSITIVE person... See reasons new reasons why

Yes, but with reservations. HIV is no-longer a deadly disease  as long as the patient regularly takes anti-retroviral drugs. However, the drugs need to be taken for the rest of his/her life. In many ways, this is no different from dating someone with any other life-long disease such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis. 

HIV is communicable (unlike most other life-long diseases), however, which makes things a little complicatedο€”. If the patient has been taking his/her drugs regularly for at least 6 months, his/her viral load can become undetectable. An HIV positive person with an undetectable viral load can even have unprotected sex without infecting anyone. However, if the patient misses his/her medicine, the viral load may go up which will make him/her be infectious again. Having children  could also be a challenge. If the man is HIV positive, he will need to have an undetectable viral load before having sex in order for the woman to conceive. 

In some countries, sperm-washing and artificial insemination may be available (to reduce the risk of HIV transmission), but such procedures will be costly. If the woman  is HIV positive, the risk of passing HIV to the baby  is around 15-45% if the HIV is untreated, and less than 2% if she is taking anti-retroviral drugs. She will also be unable to breastfeed. Finally, there may be friends and family  who may be unhappy with your decision to date an HIV positive person. If you are prepared to take on these responsibilities, then you are ready to date an HIV positive person. If you are unsure, then you may want to pass.
You can date an HIV POSITIVE person... See reasons new reasons why You can date an HIV POSITIVE person... See reasons new reasons why Reviewed by BimbogrammPr on 3/01/2017 12:02:00 pm Rating: 5

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