A fathers pain-EPISODE 5

A fathers pain-EPISODE 5


I could not sleep that night. Every now and then, I found myself playing the video to watch my estranged wife and my best-friend having s-x. The images were so painful to watch. My heart ached. I wept. Even though I was a teetotaler, for the first time, I felt the desire to take alcohol. I wanted to do anything that will ease the pain I was going through.
At about 2:45am, I went to my children’s room to check on them as I always did. They were peacefully asleep, oblivious of what had just happened. I stared at them, sorrow in my heart, aware that with the action I had decided to take, life will no more be the same for them again.
Their mother had broken the sanctity of their home. The father and mother they used to see together were going to be together no more. Their father and mother were going to live apart. And, though marriage was not on my mind any longer, I knew that they would one day have either a step-father or a step-mother.
I stayed in Peter and Pamela’s room for close to one hour, staring at them and crying. Finally, I left them while they were still asleep. Returning to my room, I took off my clothes and went to have my bath. Then I returned to my bed and lying down, began to reflect on the drama that had happened taken place.
And Edwin! Hmmmmmm! He was my best pal. He was not only a friend, he was like a brother, one whom I had so much trust in. Though I was a medical doctor, I also ran a huge business and he was my business partner. While I was into the export of charcoal, shea butter, plantain, pineapple and pepper to European markets, he was into the importation of European goods to Ghana.
This was one man I was so close to that some thought we were brothers. I believed, at the time, that I could trust him even with my life. Yet, he was the same person I caught doing it with my wife in my house in my bedroom and on my bed. I sighed. Only God knew how long he had been having the affair with my wife.
Edwin was a widower. His wife died when he was only 33, that was two years after their marriage. She was then 25. Since then, he had remained single, dating once a while but making no real attempt at getting married again.
With his wealth, friends made attempts at getting him to marry again but he obviously was not interested. And, he didn’t care either that he didn’t have a child of his own.
He and I had together made several trips outside Ghana to transact business. Sometimes, I facilitate his imports and on other occasions, he helped me with my exports. On some occasions, I slept over at his house and on others, he spent the night in my house. That was how close we were. So, catching him with my wife in the act was a real shocker.
That night was the longest night ever in my life. Finally, however, morning came. I was happy to see day break. I was just getting ready to go and prepare the children for school when I had a call; it was my wife.
“Kwame, please forgive me. I am on my knees. I don’t know what came over me. Please, in God’s name, forgive me. I will never repeat such a behavior again” she pleaded. I could sense she was in tears.
But, there was no way I could forgive her. There was no way she could be my wife again. I told her calmly that the sound of her voice could kill me so I would appreciate it if she does not phone me again.
“It is over between us so better start getting used to that fact,” I said. Then I hanged up. She called and called again but I ignored her, switching my phone to the silence mode so when she calls, the phone could not ring to my hearing. Then I went to wake the children up.
Preparing them for school made me realize the tedious task I had ahead because they both courteously asked me where their mother was. I had to lie to them. I said she had travelled and would soon be back. They believed me.

Watch out for episode 6

A fathers pain-EPISODE 5 A fathers pain-EPISODE 5 Reviewed by Unknown on 3/14/2017 10:40:00 pm Rating: 5

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