photos from mavin's dinner nights

Mavin Records boss Donjazzy ,Tiwa Savage, Aphrodija, Dr Sid, D'Prince,  Korede Bello, Reekado Banks, Baby Fresh Mavin and other members of the crew had a special night last night as they wined and dined together. More photos after the cut...

Mavin Records boss Donjazzy ,Tiwa Savage, Aphrodija, Dr Sid, D'Prince,  Korede Bello, Reekado Banks, Baby Fresh Mavin and other members of the crew had a special night last night as they wined and dined together. More photos after the cut...

photos from mavin's dinner nights photos from mavin's dinner nights Reviewed by BimbogrammPr on 1/17/2016 10:12:00 am Rating: 5

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